Friday, February 25, 2011

Trees and More Trees!

There is a lot of really lovely vegetation here. I think this one is a bougainvillea tree.  They bloom year around.  It's actually much greener that l thought it would be, and they do make an effort to add parks and  green patches of trees and shrubs stuck in little spaces along the streets.  There is very little grass for kids to play on.  Each apartment has it own set of playground equipment and usually an indoor play area as well, but not grass.  For that you need to go to a soccer field, but l don't think its there for kids to run on. Depending on where you are, there are kids riding bikes around but not in our area.  In parts of the New Territories where you are right at the mountain edges the hill sides are just like a jungle and there are monkeys, wild pigs and crawly things!!  Some of the snakes are extremely poisonous.

These trees were in the Chin Lin Nunnery park and were just starting to bud out.  I'm sorry l don't know the names of much of the vegetation.  Most of the pictures l took because I liked the shapes!!

This is a bonsai tea plant.

These next three are banyan trees.  They have such a neat shaped root and bark system.  Really gnarly and twisted and can grow to be massive in size.

I love the look of all the roots, but if you had an actual lawn it would be nasty to keep mowed!   From a distance the green ground looks like lawn but as you can see its some kind of ground cover.

I don't think these are bougainvillea's but something else.  The flowers are too big to be bougainvillea.
This is a banyan tree again but l liked all the dried stuff hanging from it.  Don't know why it's like this, but it looks cool.

This one is interesting because of the woven trunk it has.  The leaves on the top are like the ones to the right and fan out.

These next three are of a banana grove taken at the Kowloon Walled City Park.

Close up of the bananas.

I love the look of all the tropical trees and bushes.  There are lots of varieties of palm trees.  Some are huge and some fairly small with different looking bark on the trunks.

Jocelyn thought this was a monkey tree so l'm taking her word on it!  It is rather crazy looking with its bare red branches sticking out.  It looks like they could start twirling around and take off!!

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